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Beginner’s Guide: Salesforce Marketing Cloud

  • May 3, 2022

The advice given in this series of blogs is intended as a guide for a marketer who is new to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform and wants to build a successful customer journey using Journey Builder. We have suggested best practices that you should keep in mind when creating your campaigns. 

Introduction to Marketing Cloud

Meet Riley.

Riley is a marketer that loves her job but wants to utilize digital marketing more efficiently. She does some investigation and discovers a software that not only facilitates digital marketing, but specializes in digital marketing automation and data analytics – Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

What can you do with Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

With Salesforce Marketing Cloud Riley can automate and personalize marketing campaigns, engage with her customers on different social media platforms in real time, collect customer data to find out what her customers want, advertise on different platforms, and many more features all within one cloud.

What is Marketing Cloud Journey Builder?

Journey Builder is a feature of Salesforce Marketing Cloud that manages the customer’s interactions with the company’s brand throughout the customer’s lifecycle. Journey Builder allows Riley and her team to interact with customers on a one-on-one level with personalized content for each individual.  This tool enables marketers to design campaigns that are based on real time events such as reading an email or responding to a message on different social media platforms. There are multiple personalized interactions, such as email, sms and interactions on social-media, all within one feature. 

That’s quite impressive, can it get any better? Yes!  All Riley’s customer’s data – clicks, responses, blocks, bounces, interactions, subscriptions, etc – gets tracked and saved within the cloud. Her team can use that data to create even better campaigns tailored even more to each individual customer.

Click here to watch a very quick video on Journey Builder

Tomorrow we will be going more in-depth with Marketing Cloud’s Journey Builder; what it is and how it is going to change your life as a marketer forever.




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