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Beginner’s Guide: Identifying your audience and campaign path

  • May 9, 2022

Riley has set her goals and knows how to measure them. The final step is for her to send out her first communication.

Select your target audience entry source

Best practice suggests identifying your target audience. Don’t just use the master data extension (list of all your contacts)

In this case, Riley will be using a database of names compiled from a roadshow the previous month.

If you are using Salesforce as your “CRM”, the  Salesforce data entry source is the best choice. For guidance on how to use Salesforce objects in Journey Builder please have a look at the Salesforce help site.

If you are not using Salesforce as your CRM, use the data extension and cloud page entry sources as these cater for most standard use cases.

As an extra measure, after selecting your entry source, you can also add filter criteria to your entry source to ensure that only your selected audience can enter the journey.

Choose your message activities

A message allows you to directly interact with your customers. Messages can be an email, sms, or even a display on Google ads.

Riley will chose email as her preferred method for this campaign as she is hoping to grow her newsletter subscribers by 35%.

Salesforce Sales or Service Cloud is not needed to make use of Marketing Cloud and its many features. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a powerful standalone product and Riley has already been able to automate many of her marketing campaign processes which she used to manage manually. Riley is excited at how seamless this process has been and she is already saving a lot of time, allowing her to formulate more exciting campaigns for the future. 

There are specific add-on Studios that Riley would have to purchase separately, dependant on what else she would like to include in her campaign; if smses are something Riley wants to incorporate, then she would need to purchase Mobile studio. Marketing Cloud has the following Studios available:

  • Advertising Studio
  • Email Studio
  • Interaction Studio
  • Mobile Studio
  • Social Studio
  • Web Studio

Set the Flow Control activities

“Flow Control” is how your contacts move through a journey. Riley can choose to make contacts wait before moving to the next stage, for example, they will only move to the next stage once they have chosen their preferred camera or move them to the next stage based on their input activities inside a journey, for example, they opted in for the newsletter. 

The end of a customer’s journey is determined by the goals Riley set. She has the option to allow her customers to exit a journey upon completion of the goal. Once a customer signs up for the newsletter and selects their camera preference, their customer journey will end.

We hope this will help you take your marketing to the next level with Salesforce Marketing Cloud. If you are looking for a Marketing Cloud implementation partner contact the experts.




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